Bible Academy
Write an introduction that summarizes the expected outcomes of this course.
Humanoid Pastor 선서문
Introduce your lesson with an optional, short summary. You can edit this excerpt in lesson settings.
Introduce your lesson with an optional, short summary. You can edit this excerpt in lesson settings.
The Will and Plan of God in Names
Believers are called “Christians,” and no other name is necessary. This name connects us to the Book of Life, where our names are written. Jesus Himself said
Believers are called “Christians,” and no other name is necessary. This name connects us to the Book of Life, where our names are written. Jesus Himself said
God, the initiator of names
The questions about human name is how it originate. The answer is in the bible: Why did God change the names of certain individuals in the Bible? What does it mean when God names and renames them? Considering this, I want to discuss the premise that "The first name -giver is God," as recorded in Genesis 1. In the act of creation described in Genesis, God names things: He calls the light "day" and the darkness "night." This act of naming is intrinsic to God’s creative power.r.
The questions about human name is how it originate. The answer is in the bible: Why did God change the names of certain individuals in the Bible? What does it mean when God names and renames them? Considering this, I want to discuss the premise that "The first name -giver is God," as recorded in Genesis 1. In the act of creation described in Genesis, God names things: He calls the light "day" and the darkness "night." This act of naming is intrinsic to God’s creative power.r.
You must first understand the meaning of the Sabbath
Because keeping the Sabbath is so important, God spoke the fourth Sabbath commandment, which is the longest of all the Ten Commandments. Even just looking at this long passage, it tells us what we must keep in order to enter Canaan (spiritual Israel) in the future, and how we can keep the Sabbath commandment well. Therefore, the fourth commandment among the Ten Commandments is the basic principle, center, and core of our religious life
Because keeping the Sabbath is so important, God spoke the fourth Sabbath commandment, which is the longest of all the Ten Commandments. Even just looking at this long passage, it tells us what we must keep in order to enter Canaan (spiritual Israel) in the future, and how we can keep the Sabbath commandment well. Therefore, the fourth commandment among the Ten Commandments is the basic principle, center, and core of our religious life
The Meaning Behind the Names of Isaac and Ishmael
Through names, God reveals His will and separates those chosen by Him from those who are not. For this reason, today's churches must recognize the important meaning of names and understand how deeply they are bonded to faith and God's plans. A believer's name is not just a label but a reflection of their relationship with God.
Through names, God reveals His will and separates those chosen by Him from those who are not. For this reason, today's churches must recognize the important meaning of names and understand how deeply they are bonded to faith and God's plans. A believer's name is not just a label but a reflection of their relationship with God.
The Essence of the Ten Commandments
The essence of the Ten Commandments lies in their call to love—love for God and love for others. This love is possible only through faith, a gift from God that transforms human hearts. Understanding God's love and grace leads to a life of genuine faith, enabling believers to live out the commandments in spirit and truth.
The essence of the Ten Commandments lies in their call to love—love for God and love for others. This love is possible only through faith, a gift from God that transforms human hearts. Understanding God's love and grace leads to a life of genuine faith, enabling believers to live out the commandments in spirit and truth.
Sabbath, the time of worship
If we look at the history of the observance of the Sabbath around the world, it is about 2,000 years, and this is truly the dynamic result of the living and active Word of God. Above all, ‘Sunday’ is a day that can never be replaced by any other day of the week. This is because Sunday is the ‘first day after the Sabbath’ when Jesus was crucified on Friday and resurrected three days later.
If we look at the history of the observance of the Sabbath around the world, it is about 2,000 years, and this is truly the dynamic result of the living and active Word of God. Above all, ‘Sunday’ is a day that can never be replaced by any other day of the week. This is because Sunday is the ‘first day after the Sabbath’ when Jesus was crucified on Friday and resurrected three days later.
The True Purpose of the Law
When Jesus called the Ten Commandments “the doctrine,” he was implying that they occupy a very important position in the entire Bible, and that they are the core teachings of the Bible that summarize the principles of loving God and loving one’s neighbor that are emphasized throughout the Old and New Testaments.
When Jesus called the Ten Commandments “the doctrine,” he was implying that they occupy a very important position in the entire Bible, and that they are the core teachings of the Bible that summarize the principles of loving God and loving one’s neighbor that are emphasized throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Why Did God Give the Ten Commandments?
Jesus referred to the Ten Commandments as the "foundation," indicating their critical importance within the Bible. These commandments are not merely rules but are a summary of the essential teachings of the entire Bible, encapsulating the principles of loving God and loving others. Although originating from the Mosaic Law in the Old Testament, the Ten Commandments remain a cornerstone of biblical teachings, reaffirmed in the New Testament.
Jesus referred to the Ten Commandments as the "foundation," indicating their critical importance within the Bible. These commandments are not merely rules but are a summary of the essential teachings of the entire Bible, encapsulating the principles of loving God and loving others. Although originating from the Mosaic Law in the Old Testament, the Ten Commandments remain a cornerstone of biblical teachings, reaffirmed in the New Testament.
The true purpose of the law is
When Jesus called the Ten Commandments “the doctrine,” he was implying that they occupy a very important position in the entire Bible, and that they are the core teachings of the Bible that summarize the principles of loving God and loving one’s neighbor that are emphasized throughout the Old and New Testaments.
When Jesus called the Ten Commandments “the doctrine,” he was implying that they occupy a very important position in the entire Bible, and that they are the core teachings of the Bible that summarize the principles of loving God and loving one’s neighbor that are emphasized throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Why You Should Honor Your Parents
The essence of the law
Ten Commandments: Do not serve any other gods than your own
DAO Church 글로벌 비전
DAO Church envisions a global community united in faith, love, and service. Our mission is to extend the message of hope and redemption across borders, transcending cultural and geographical divisions.
DAO Church envisions a global community united in faith, love, and service. Our mission is to extend the message of hope and redemption across borders, transcending cultural and geographical divisions.
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Meet your instructor
"Meet the Bible Instructor" usually refers to an introductory session or segment in a teaching environment that provides those wishing to learn the Bible an opportunity to learn about teaching approaches and build connections before the course officially begins.